5612 Glenview Drive.  Haltom City, TX 76117


Jeremie & Danielle Omole

Jeremie and Danielle serve as the worship and media pastors at Oasis. Their desire is to be instruments God can use to help people encounter His presence.


They have 2 amazing kids Elijah and Eden!



Dream Vacation:

This is tough there are so many places we'd love to visit. Jeremie is Kenyan, so we'd love to take a family trip to Kenya and meet that side of the family. We'd also love to visit places like Greece and Italy for the history, beauty, and food.  


Favorite Movies:  

Jeremie's favorite movie is anything Marvel
Danielle's favorite movie hmmm. I love movies so that's too tough. But I do love the notebook and all things Marvel


Things That Fascinate Me:  

Danielle: Psychology. I am fascinated by people's minds and lives and how all of that impacts who we become 

Jeremie: Success at life, Self-Improvement, and Growth. 


People I Would Like To Meet:  

Jeremie: Michael Jordan and Denzel Washington. I'm interested in learning what it takes to be the best at what you do. The vision, hard work, dedication, focus, and discipline necessary to fulfill your calling is motivation to me.

Danielle - Maybe Joyce Meyers. I am very much inspired by her relationship with the Lord given all she has been through. I don't necessarily need to meet them but I'd like to see Maverick City live. 


One Thing That Most People Don’t Know About Me:

Jeremie: In high school I was the Chess Club President.
Danielle: I visited Swaziland around 2009 I think, and probably would have moved there had I been able to find a job


Been In Ministry Since:  

Jeremie: I started playing music in church with my dad at 7, and haven't stopped since.
Danielle: I've served in some form or capacity ever since 98' or 99'


When And Where Did You Get Saved:  

Jeremie: My mom made sure we grew up going to a Christian private school and church. I don't necessarily remember a moment when I asked Jesus into my heart, I was just in a constant environment where I was learning about Jesus everyday and I believed what I was taught. I've prayed for Jesus to come into my heart on numerous occasions at different points in my life. I'm so glad He always says yes.
Danielle: I invited Jesus into my heart when I was 8 yrs old. I got down on my knees with my mom at the edge of her bed and prayed that Jesus would come into my heart. I can honestly say that though I've made mistakes, God has never left my side.


Favorite Singer:  

Jeremie: I don't have one. I appreciate artists that feel what they perform. You can always tell a difference between genuine and performance.
Danielle: Hmm I don't have one. I do like a good raspy voice though


Life Changing Moment:  

Jeremie: When Danielle entered my life. I was such a mess (still am at times lol), but God used her to heal and complete a lot of holes and insecurities in my life.
Danielle: Going to Africa for the first time and seeing the beauty of the continent and the people. I could feel God's presence worshiping with the people there and in the quiet when I was by myself.



Jeremie: Letting people down that I care about
Danielle: Spiders and certain bugs


Favorite Book:

Jeremie: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, practical yet life changing ways to create habits that lead to a fulfilling life in Christ and in advancing His Kingdom
Danielle: Redeeming Love (the movie is not equal) 



Jeremie: I'm dramatic in my responses sometimes, all in good fun
Danielle: My husband says I fiddle with my fingers in the middle of conversations sometimes.


In My Spare Time…

Jeremie: Playing games or working on music
Danielle: Movie nights and video games with the family, having fun with friends, and going to the gym


Favorite Actor:  

Jeremie: Denzel Washington
Danielle: Denzel Washington, James McAvoy, Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, Don Cheadle

Favorite Actress:  
Jeremie: ehhh.....
Danielle: I like Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Whoopi Goldberg


Least Favorite Food: 
Jeremie: Broccoli
Danielle: Radishes

What Makes You Laugh: 
Jeremie: Funny people? People that know how to laugh at themselves or a situation.
Danielle: I can't think of anything specific. There are just people that I have in my life who are funny to me and make me laugh

Least Favorite Thing To Do:  
Jeremie: Cleaning
Danielle: Cleaning the house

Life Motto:  
Jeremie: Keep your eyes on eternity
Danielle: Keep God first at all costs

Favorite Scripture: 
Jeremie: All things work together for good, to them love God, to them who are called according to His purpose Rom 8:28
Danielle: Right now it's John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Hidden Talent:
Danielle: I don't think I have one
Jeremie: I'm pretty good with numbers, I can figure out math in my head.